The Pride Afrique Gallery

The Pride Afrique gallery is an organic collection that celebrates the work of individuals and organisations that constantly apply their minds, time and resources to creating, collecting, archiving and theorising about Afroqueer lived realities.


The following exhibition is a growing collection from the continent. They tell stories of identity, pride and otherness.

Pride celebrations

Nel Art Gallery

‘On Pride and Africa’

PRIDE AFRIQUE 2020 a brave first step for the LGBTQIA of Africa. This we hope will be the first in many to follow. This exhibition is by no means comprehensive or even fully representative of the diversity and complexity that forms this larger community, it stems from a very recent queer exhibition in Cape Town that was involved mostly local queer artists. We hope for it to be seen as a first entry in an ever evolving cultural discourse that should not necessarily be situated in one fixed place on the continent but in many places all over Africa. That is our wish.

Africa has long been considered the forgotten continent when it comes to the rights of the LGBTQIA community. According to Wikipedia - out of the 54 states recognized by the United Nations or African Union or both, the International Gay and Lesbian Association stated in 2015 that homosexuality is outlawed in 34 African countries.

South Africa is widely regarded as a beacon of hope and progress with LGBTQIA rights written into the constitution and since November 2006 same sex marriage has effectively been recognized since the introduction of the Civil Union Act. Still, these laws, acts and constitution do not necessarily lead to acceptance. Discrimination and a lack of social acceptance is still widespread in South Africa. Gender based violence is a common occurrence and so-called ‘corrective rape’ still occurs.

LGBTQIA Rights are Human Rights. The Arts and indeed Fine Art can play a role in increasing visibility by engaging in the issues that need addressing. It can also act as an agent that engages people on another, more subliminal level, in a language unstructured by normal syntax, one that welcomes interpretation and invites people to converse with the works and their meanings in fresh new ways.

We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of this first incisive step and we wish for Pride Afrique to continue and expand well into the future.

Luan Nel

Curator – Nel Art

To see more art from Nel

Rainbow Project

By Sokari.

The project explores the relationship between sexuality, depression and loneliness. The rainbow-coloured fabric is a symbolic permanent veil over the subject, who is lost and alone in his own world.

To see more of the Rainbow Project, Click link below

Visual language

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African queer rights campaigns